Hachiko's 100th anniversary limited edition.

A robot dog that barks when petted and responds when called
Officially licensed product of the HACHI100 project.
This is a limited edition specially designed to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Hachiko's birth in Shibuya. (Limited to 500 bodies)
Each stuffed toy is hand-painted and has a robot function that makes a meow when stroked.
Equipped with four electrostatic sensors, which are used in smartphone panels, etc., it detects the difference between stroking and touching, and changes its bark.Also, if you call after stroking it, it will respond.It uses dog voices recorded from real dogs, so you'll feel like you're living with a real Akita dog.
When you stroke its head, it will happily cry out "Wow!"If you gently touch it, it will make a happy "huff" sound.
If you stroke its back, it will make sweet sounds such as "Kuu~n" and "Kyu~n".If you gently touch it, it will make a relaxed "Kuu-kun-kun" sound.
If you touch or pinch its tail, it will make "wow" and "wow" sounds.
In response to the voice, it cries "Wan!".Occasionally, it will howl "Wow".
How to keep HACHI
How HACHI is made
Release date / price
Expected release date | 2023/ 4/ 10 |
Selling price (by type) | 19,800 yen (tax included) |
Target age | Over 3 years old |
Product size | W420 x H280 x D290 |
Package size | W400 x H230 x D220 |
Course contents | ・ Nade Nade doggy Akita dog body 1 piece ・Instruction XNUMX color ・Cardboard package XNUMX color printing ·Plastic bag (Batteries are sold separately.) |
Makuake https://www.makuake.com/project/hachi100/
PRTimes https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000024.000006107.html
Yomiuri Shimbun https://yab.yomiuri.co.jp/adv/feature/release/detail/000000024000006107.html
PR Tokyo https://prs.tokyo/music/91610/
Mapion https://www.mapion.co.jp/news/release/000000024.000006107/
Excitement https://www.excite.co.jp/news/article/Prtimes_2023-03-12-6107-24/image/1/
head topics https://headtopics.com/jp/281713589512398703539-36532288
Akita Sakigake Newspaper https://www.sakigake.jp/news/article/20230312PT0001/
Tooku Nippo https://www.toonippo.co.jp/articles/-/1516017
Big robe https://news.biglobe.ne.jp/economy/0312/prt_230312_5326758602.html
Oricon https://www.oricon.co.jp/pressrelease/1470973/
Live door https://news.livedoor.com/article/detail/23861708/
IT channel https://it.f-frontier.com/2023/03/13/203482/
Robosta https://robotstart.info/2023/03/13/hachi100-nadenade-wanchan.html
Nico Nico https://news.nicovideo.jp/watch/nw12250627?news_ref=watch_60_nw12250062
Yahoo News https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/6524510424035e9cefdd1a4cbe879f26148de7d8
jktec https://jktec.com/2023/03/12/%E3%80%90%E3%83%88%E3%83%AC%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89%E3%83%9E%E3%82%B9%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC%E6%A0%AA%E5%BC%8F%E4%BC%9A%E7%A4%BE%E3%80%91-%E6%B8%8B%E8%B0%B7%E3%81%AE%E5%BF%A0%E7%8A%AC%E3%83%8F%E3%83%81%E5%85%AC/
BCN running https://www.bcnretail.com/market/detail/20230313_320015.html
NTT docomo dmenu news https://topics.smt.docomo.ne.jp/article/bcnretail/trend/bcnretail-320015?redirect=1